What Your Divot Can Tell You About Your Swing

What Your Divot Can Tell You About Your Swing – Tips

One of the major issues that the beginner golfers tend to face is an inaccurate swing. The thing about fixing your swing is that you can’t really do it on your own. You need a professional to watch your every swing to figure out what you are doing wrong to that you can fix the issue from the root. But not all can afford to join a professional golfers club so that have to do it on their own.

What Your Divot Can Tell You About Your Swing

Well unless you have a video camera recording your every swing, there is the only way to find out whether you are swinging the club in the right way or not and that is looking at your divot. Your divot can tell you a lot about your swing. Let us find out what you can learn from it.

Direction of the Divot

There are only three directions in which your divot can face and that is right, left or straight. Each direction suggests the path of the swing. If you are a right-handed player and the divot is facing the left then it means that it is going to result in a slice whereas if it points to the right then it is probably going to produce a hook. It is vice versa of the left-handed players.

However, if the divot is straight but your ball still moves in the right or left direction then that means that your clubface isn’t square. For right-handed players, if it goes to the right that means that your face is open whereas if it goes left it means the clubface is closed. It is vice versa for the left-handed players. So the next time you go training, make sure to take a couple of swings to make the required adjustments to work on your swing.

Depth of the Divot

The depth of the divot suggests the angle of the attack which can help you figure out a lot about your swing. On average the depth of the divot shouldn’t be less than or more than one inch. Remember that your short irons will naturally give deeper divots as compared to your longer irons.

If there is no divot on the ground then your swings are shallow whereas if the divots are quite deep that means your swings are too steep. So to figure out what you are doing wrong, simply notice the depth of the divot after every swing.

Divot Location in Relation to Where Your Ball Was at Address

Most people find it hard to figure out the location of the divot in relation to the ball. So, to make things easy, mark the area next to your ball on the ground so that you can relate to the location of the divot once you take the swing.

Ideally, the location should be one to two inches in front of the ball but if it is behind the ball or in line with the ball then you are definitely hitting a fat. Play around with the location of the divot back and forth in your stance to see the results and figure out which location suits you the most.

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